Protect your important business data with a multi-layered cybersecurity solution.

image of man looking at his cyber security packages offered by xcel office of oklahoma

Managed Cybersecurity Packages

We understand budgets are tight and resources are scarce, but poor cybersecurity practices could have a catastrophic impact on your business. And while no one is completely safe, implementing a solid cybersecurity strategy is fundamental to keep your data from being lost or stolen. CyberLock is an end-to-end solution that minimizes the risk of a security breach and gets you back up and running smoothly if an incident does occur. Best of all, we manage it for you so you can have peace of mind without the headache.

You have worked too hard to risk becoming a victim of a cybersecurity attack.

Is cybersecurity one of your top priorities?

  • One major data breach could cost you thousands of dollars, result in a lawsuit, or even shut you down, yet many businesses dismiss it. We make cybersecurity easy and affordable with a solution that includes prevention, detection, and remediation for a monthly fee.
  • A single layer of security such as anti-virus is no longer enough to keep you safe from cyberthreats. That’s why we combine multiple methods of defense for maximum protection. We even manage it for you so you can focus on other things.

Could you get up and running quickly after a cybersecurity data loss?

  • We back up your data to an external device (located at your office) for the immediate recovery of lost files. We also replicate to the cloud in case the backup device fails or there is a disaster such as a fire for flood that destroys it.
  • We routinely test your backups to ensure we can recover the information you need quickly after a data loss.

Has an employee ever caused a security issue?

  • We install a commercial-grade firewall to block malicious Internet traffic from infiltrating your network. This is especially critical if your employees access systems from their mobile devices which are not as secure.
  • Employees accidentally delete files all the time. Our backup solution allows us to restore data from up to three months ago in a matter of minutes to minimize disruption.
  • Security is a company-wide responsibility, and we’ll provide training and testing so your employees can recognize and avoid potential threats.

Do you have a formal cybersecurity response plan?

  • Time is money, and every minute you’re down can jeopardize the future of your business. We’ll help you develop a formal response plan, so we can take immediate action in the event of a data loss.

Did you Know?

44% of businesses estimate that one hour of downtime would cost them a minimum of $10K.

90% of incidents that result in a data breach start with a phishing email.

60% of businesses will shut down within six months of a major data breach.

Free Download

Cybersecurity Checklist

Download the Cybersecurity Checklist today for a list of simple steps you can take to protect your business from a cyberattack.
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Schedule a Technology Assessment

Your office technology should be part of your “big picture” corporate strategy. Sit down with one of our experts for a one-hour meeting to take an in-depth look at your copiers, printers, phones, software, and network infrastructure. Assessment includes:

sample technology assessment from Xcel office solutions of oklahoma
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